Draft Idea 1.
For the start of this project i decided to take my time and sketch out what i wanted to be on my front cover before finalising my end idea. I began by coming up with the title "Educate" which i will go into further detail further into my analysis, but, as shown this was my first draft up figuring out where i wanted to place specific items of the magazine cover. Unfortunately i didn't have colour at home to add a splash of yellow and black to emphasise that it was about KHS as those are its "signature" colours. to really show how the magazine is designed for the purpose of representing the school in the best of its qualities possible.
'Final' Draft
For this end product i gathered what i had on the previous draft and put it all together in a more clear and tidier style. although there isn't any colour again, i still would have gone with the black and yellow significant colour scheme. compared to my first idea i centered my 'pug' and tried to make the logo of the 'E' in Educate more apparent. i shortened the splash below the image of the student as well just to make it more quick and easy to read but also appealing to young readers who go to the school. I also tried to out more emphasis on the pull quote by drawing clear lines underneath 'Revision' To draw in the attention of the reader/audience.
Firstly, i decided to incorporate my logo within my masthead to help readers identify the magazine if they were to ever see the logo on its own. I chose the word 'Educate' as it represents the sole purpose of a school, to educate. I thought this was a clever idea of a title as it can express the representation of the school through the magazine.
On the other hand, i chose the logo down to 2 reasons. firstly, the E is a reminder that the magazine is called Educate allowing people to identify it easily from the logo. Secondly i added the pencil behind it because once again this reinforces the idea of education/Learning as it is a common factor that notes are more or less made with pencils therefore i came up with the idea of using a pencil as a reinforcement that the magazine is about the school and what it has to offer.
The 'Pug' was a little harder for me to come up with as i wasn't too sure what to add in it until i came up with the idea of what i thought needed more of a 'push' to be advertised that can get more people involved. This is when i got the idea of advertising the fact that the school had its own choir and orchestra. I thought of this being a great idea to express the music department further as it has such a large impact on school by representing it almost every half term with shows/ choir performances etc. i think i could have added more detail into it by announcing when it or by stating that more information would be found inside the magazine. More pugs could also have been added to identify other strong areas of the school but i think it may have made the cover look too crowded and muggy which may have made it look messy and not intriguing to readers.
Pull Quote
The pull quote wasn't the easiest thing to come up with but i decided on a revision related topic as it's an area in a students time in school that they struggle with. Going off of this thought i decided to use a quote that would pull all students looking to succeed, into the magazine. I decided also to emphasise the 'Revision' just to make it more apparent that there is help there in the magazine if they need it and also as a stronger pull in to the target Audience. Like many improvement ideas i have for the cover this could simply be improved just by the variation of font/colour and overall style. i could have also maybe reinforced it with an image showing the results of the student with this "revisions secret".
Main Image
With the main image i wanted something that focused on a key representative of the school and to do that i thought it would need to be a member of the sixth form, someone from the age of 16+ in retrospect,as they would have had more experience at the school allowing them to give further information on what the school is like and how it has helped them become the person they are today. To go even further with this i thought it could also be a performer from the latest show of 'Les Miserable' which is why i also decided to put the splash so close to the main image so i could reinforce this information to sell how much the school has help him/her become what they are today, of which includes being a confident performer and representative of the school being able to inspire younger years..
Sell Lines
I wasn't too sure on the idea of my sell lines but i thought of using things that may appeal to students and parents and even went as far as trying to get the appeal of show enthusiasts with adding that there would be 'show theories' to draw a larger audience in.This idea was to try and greater a broader approach to my target audience trying to present bigger and broader ideas that would make for a good information full magazine for a school. On an improvement note i think that the best approach to these sell lines would have been to include more of them for additional information to a greater audience on a larger scale and to have used variations of fonts, italics maybe, as well as some bold writing just to make the magazine really sell itself by looking appealing and intriguing.
The idea of my splash was just to draw readers in and want to actually read what was inside so adding this was just a way of adding further information of what they would expect to see inside the magazine hopefully giving them the feeling of wanting to find out more. The footer can do with a fair bit of imporvment although i wasnt quite sure what to do with it so i went with the simplistic style of adding facts about the magazine to reinforce the greatness of this magaizne to really sell it to the audience. I chose a basic font style but looking back at it i think i should have used something more bold to really make it stand out to the audience much more.
Overall Analysis
This final image shows the little pieces of detail i have tried to interpret into my final draft. Although I've attempted to add a lot of what you see on successful magazines i know that i need to include more sell lines to really sell the magazine, i also need to make sure i can add my colour scheme to add more crisp detail to the design and show off the representation of a colour scheme. as well as this i need to improve my footer bar and the content i have in general to push what I've made into a higher grade and to really get the effect of how professional magazines make the impact that they do on their target audiences.
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