Friday, 10 February 2017

This is a much more developed idea of my front cover just without any added sell lines but you're able to see how much development on my previous ideas have come through, the main image is how id want it to be as It displays the way I want people to see my artist, the splash for the artists name is a display of how I want my text to be formatted through the sell lines. More development is needed on my PUG as the purple clashes with the red and greys. Overall the progress made for the magazine I'm happy with.

My second draft I have re-designed both the footer and the header and put a new colour lay out for the design. The white back ground allows for a more darker approach to the text which will need experimenting on to see if it will fit with my main image. The blue gradient adds a more professional effect to the cover but it may overwhelm any additional light colours so may result in a new change again. The font for my mast head has changed also but it seems a bit plain but at the moment it may stay the same so I can play around with different font sizes.
The first initial idea of my music magazine cover is piecing itself together, I'm currently experimenting with the different fonts to see which one is much more appealing and I'm also deciding on whether I want to keep the white background around the masthead and the red boarder. I like the grey gradient as it creates contrast and allows for lighter texts to be seen, but it's still something I am currently contemplating on having. I still have my image to add and my sell lines.