Friday, 5 May 2017

Question 7

question 6

question 5

Question 4

Who would be the audience for your Media product?

In my mission statements i said that my target audience would be from the age of 13-24 which was a wide audience to work across placing them also  in the youth interested in pop music. As i aimed my  audience at this age range and both genders, it allows for my magazine to be appealing to a bigger audience which also means it would be distributed further than if  i chose a smaller audience range.  Pop was something that appealed more to the female gender but it is growing to the male gender as well so aiming towards both  genders wouldn't be an issue with  my chosen category. my magazine pages relating to that of Q is something that helps this run smoothly as Q aims at both male and female audiences so having a similar style and design will help this. - I believe that my magazine appeals to all the needs of the reader. The mood board that i had created also shows this - 

My target audience criteria is met throughout as, on my front cover i have used a young artist that my audience can relate  to from  being at such a young age. my magazine consistently relates to my target audience as  it talks about the topics every teen is interested  in as well as going over the mor
e in depth topics that the older generation  (20-24) would enjoy reading -David Bowies predictions. it also relates to their platforms of  music listening, Spotify and Apple music. the front cover advertises the multi platform format that the magazine has indicating they can "keep on top of the charts at" allowing them to us the internet to keep up top date with news and the charts.

My double page spread allows the consumers learn about the heart felt emotions of the young artist letting them get to know him a bit better. audiences of that age like to feel they know someone famous and as they artist is around  the age range that my magazine is aimed at it allows them to feel this after reading the article themselves.

Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your magazine?

For my  decision on who i would want to publish my magazine i wanted it to be one that would want to publish my magazine. For this i decided on what magazine mine most related to, this being Q. Their publishing contract is with Bauer, Europe's biggest publishing group. They have 19,000,000 people viewing 80 of their brands with an included audience of 2 in 5 people who experience at least one of their  products  whether it being a magazine or even their website. My magazine colour scheme also matches that  of what Bauer commonly publish which is why i would go with them. 

From their massive amount of experience, i believe they would be  the best company to go with to help my magazine really grow.

For  who i  would want to distribute my magazine, i would go with that of front line as they are the biggest distributing company in the UK alone. Again, they distribute Q and as my magazine is similar to the style of Q i think it would fit the profile of their commonly distributed magazines.  as they are so successful  i think to not go with them wouldn't be a beneficial move as they could provide a wider audience to distribute out to. 

Question 2

How does the Media Product represent a particular social group?

 at the beginning of the research process I began to look at magazines that helped me decide several ideas for my main images and subsidiary images. I wanted to appeal to a R&B/Pop audience which was ained at people aged from 16-21, which meant i needed to somehow show that social group within my magazine.
My main image was taken form ideas given to me by friends as i asked what they wanted to see from an artist who's lyrical ideas were somewhat explicit. I saw an image of an artist on a Kerrang magazine which really caught my eye as it had hotshots captioned with a camera in the artists hand which displayed his background and figured that i may be able to do something with this for my artist as there is a lot of history for my artist that i can implement throughout my magazine in various ways.
My initial idea was to have only a guitar covering the artists face but then discovered i could play about with the social group my artist is from by implementing more of his musical styles in the one image, this is where i added the explicit sign and guitar together representing the truth behind his lyrics and how meaningful they are. This outlines the whole style of R&B and Pop as, if you listen to the charts now, every song has an explicit version from the artist or is very acoustic with solely a guitar and drum. These also represent one of the biggest music icons that is out there. The text i have used is also that of which is similar to Kerrangs font style making it seem more like a pop magazine as it stands out. My use of advertisement is also essential for giving this effect as they are popular music streaming software used more commonly by teens. As they are my primary target for my audience it allows me to place the magazine in their social group.

My contents page was taken from the idea used by Q where several images were used representing what could be found inside, these artists were fitting to the social context of pop and this is where i got my inspiration to use multiple artists to represent the magazines social construct. it allowed me to use images i had taken of a couple of people who i had planned to be my main artist but didn't quite offer what i needed but still fit in the style of a pop artist that appealed to a youth like audience. Q's magazine showed artists at Gigs and festivals  which  is appealing to 16-21 year old so i decided to use this as an idea to take photos of my artists in musically identified locations that the pop audience could relate to. 
To represent the social group  i was aiming for i also made sure i implemented common use of technology used by them frequently, like Spotify  and Apple Music to allow them to relate to the magazine wanting them to read much more. i also tried to draw their  attention further by placing competition opportunities to win free subscriptions to their main source of music. I provided them with news events on gigs which would allow them to prepare for the events which again crosses into keeping my magazine into their social context.Each artist represents the social group as they're young artists which is where every aspiring musician  wants to be, therefore, having them in the magazine allows them to read of their success stories.

Question 1